Establishing Your Dream Yard,
and Within Your Budget


Enhance your home’s curb appeal with colorful perennial flower beds!

Transform your Garden into a Beautiful and fun space

We specialize in designing and installing perennial flower beds customized to your preferences and landscape.

Looking to be environmentally conscious? We work with you to choose native plants that are low maintenance and deer-resistant.

We help you plan and install family-friendly sustainable perennial and vegetable gardens.

Transform Your Yard, One Flower Bed at a Time

New Flower Beds

Planning, design and budget meeting
Choose best location
Outline the bed
Install the raised bed-frame or fencing
Fill it with high-quality soil and compost
Plant purchased plants and bulbs
Maintain the garden

Family-Friendly Vegetable Garden

Planning, design and budget meeting
Determining best location for vegetables
Outline the bed
Install the raised bed-frame or fencing
Amend the soil
Fill it with high-quality soil and compost
Choose easy vegetables for kids to grow
Plant purchased plants
Maintain the vegetable garden

Spring & Fall Planting

Garden assessment
Design and plant consultation
Desired Budget
Planting schedule
Clean-up and bed preparation
Soil preparation
Execute the planting plan

Trees & Shrubs Planting

Planning and design
Determine the budget with homeowners
Choose the trees or shrubs location
Buy and plant the trees /shrubs
Trimming and pruning
Garden Maintenance

Mulching & Composting

Make your flower beds look amazing!
We provide mulch spreading and aeration services. Keep your yard looking great year-round.

Snow Plowing and
Snow Removal

Looking for reliable snow removal services?
We also offer snow plowing, blowing and shoveling for residential and commercial accounts.

Improve Your
Curb Appeal

Transform your home curb appeal
and boost its value—Call or Text Ludin!